Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chicago, Day Two.

We got a very late start to our day on Friday. In the afternoon we visited the site of our friend Nancy's latest architectural project, then went down to the lakefront by the Planetarium and Aquarium.

There's an exhibit of large globes called "Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet" going on throughout the summer and we caught the tail end of it.

There were some that were quite beautiful and fairly well-done:

Here's our friend Micah, of Micah & Nancy fame:

We also admired more of the Chicago skyline from the lakefront:

In the evening I went to O'Hare with Nancy to pick up more old friends of Nancy, Micah & Nathan's from architorture school (Jeremy & Jess). All six of us met up at an Ethiopian restaurant in Nancy & Micah's neighborhood later in the evening, and had the most fantastic Ethiopian meal of our lives. Afterward we went to a famous Chicago theatrical show called "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind" -- 30 shorts performed in 60 minutes by the Neo-futurists. We laughed a ridiculous amount and were quite impressed overall.

On Saturday we spent much of the day preparing to go to the airport, and then flying to New York. We finally go to our friends' place in Brooklyn at 9pm last night.

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